Friday, March 9, 2012

Blog Post # 7

The Networked Student

This short video was very interesting and gave a sight into what 21st century teachers should know. Though, I disagree with their idea of the role of a teacher. These days people all over the world, adults and children, are using technology as a tool for learning and social networking but I believe that's good only to an extent. I disagree with technology being the main tool for teaching and learning. When I finally become a teacher I want to teach students right from wrong, encourage them to learn, grow and fulfill their dreams and that requires being engaged with them. I do not want to just teach them websites to search and play on to teach them what they need to know to be successful in their futures. Although, the internet is such a wonderful and helpful tool because it can practically teach you anything and everything you want to or need to know. Having the answers with just a click of a bottom could be a good thing but also a problem. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a fantastic idea to incorporate technology in our teaching I just don't want it to become the main source for learning. I am nervous about being a 21st century teacher but I'm also excited to open my eyes and ears to new ideas of learning and teaching, therefore I'm willing to do all I can to be prepared of my future as an educator!


A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment

I was very impressed after watching A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment. It amazes me that a 7th grader was able to put that together, although she had some help from Wendy Drexler. She did such a great job putting her PLN together and explaining how to use and access information. She also made it seem like such an easy process. I really like the idea of organizing links any way you want and I think PLN are a great tool to use! This video was entertaining, helpful, and fun to watch!


  1. I agree with you Amanda about doing away with teachers. Every one thinks that a computer is the answer to everything. Do not get me wrong the internet is very helpful, but if I did not exist I would still know how to survive, and that's what we need to teach the next generation.

  2. Teachers should be a guide for a period in the students for the time there in life. More than just providing information about school but life in general and u made that clear

  3. "...gave a sight into..." What?

    "...Though, I disagree with their idea of the role of a teacher...." Not clear whom you mean by their.

    "I want to teach students right from wrong, encourage them to learn, grow and fulfill their dreams and that requires being engaged with them." Are you suggesting that Wendy Drexler is not engaged with her students, that she is not teaching them to make good judgements, that she is not assisting them to fulfill their dreams? If so, I strongly disagree. That is what she is doing!

    "I do not want to just teach them websites to search and play on to teach them what they need to know to be successful in their futures." It appears you are uninterested in their futures. I doubt that is true. But that is how I interpret this sentence. Your writing is unclear and needs work. Consult with the Writing Lab in Alpha East. And if you understood the video it should be clear to you that the object of networked instruction is NOT just to "teach them websites to search and play on."
